Sunday, January 10, 2016



I know there are a million and one blogs out there, but regardless I have decided to start one. I am too often timid to widely share some of my know how's that could be very useful to the majority of humanity. I have since joined the "New year new me" fad. Why? Because if you actually sit and think about it, it just so happens to be BRILLIANT! It gives you a chance every single year to better something about long as you stick to it of course. So along with my clothing company I have decided to impart some of my wisdom via social media every Wednesday and Saturday. Chances are like 3 people will read this, and I am okay with that! I will post all of the annventures I go on ( which is a lot, so hold on to your seat folks) and weekly how to's ranging from design and makeup to exercise and nutrition! It will be SOOO FUN so hop on the annventure train! WOOO

Let me introduce myself a little bit. My name is Andrea, and I just married the coolest person ever. You can tell we are in love by the way our foreheads touch. His name is Jeremy and I think I'll keep him for a little while.

Is it tacky that the cardigan I am wearing is one that I sell? mehh whateva

Enough mumbo jumbo, lets get to the good stuff!! This week I am going to talk about CHOFFEE is a delicious drink that is much like coffee....but it's not. It's WAY better because instead of it being ground up coffee beans, it's ground up coco beans!!! This means that it's a chocolate drink that's actually super good for you. There is no sugar or dairy added so it has all the packed in goodness that coco beans have in the raw. It has become my drink of choice...over water.....i have turned into a walking choffee bag. It's fun.
I buy mine on amazon because amazon is the reason that I am able to function. I, like most people, have zero time in my day to hunt down health stores to find the latest health fad. This means I either hunt down amazon or I make up my own. I'll be sharing my own personal creations also.

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