Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to love yourself

Recently I have seen a steady decline in my own personal self worth. I have had to learn a humbling lesson about success and the ways in which I define it. It's so easy to get inside your head and feel like you aren't worth anything if you aren't an instantly seeing the rewards of all your hard work. 
as I thought about what to blog next I thought " to heck with it",  I am starting a movement for myself and anyone is welcome to join me! THIS MONTH IS THE MONTH OF LOVE, and I am going to learn to love my failures along with my successes! 

So I have a message I hope you can read and KNOW that I absolutely mean it with full sincerity! 
LIVE the life you want to live
FIGHT for your dreams
LOVE even bigger 
LAUGH often 
Because you are COURAGEOUS
You are STRONG
You are BRAVE 
you are WONDERFUL  
I will be taking the rest of this month to channel all my energy into loving myself and I really hope you'll do the same!!


Saturday, January 30, 2016

DIY facial scrub and bunnies.

I have this wonderful recipe to one of the best facial scrubs i have ever used! It's perfect because it scrubs away all your dead skin but leaves a wonderful soft after feel! 

I recommend making a bunch and putting it in a glass jar.
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
and a few drops of any of your favorite essential oil. Lavender is my favorite but this isn't necessary.

I use it in the shower and just scrub it in and lightly wash it off, you want to leave a little bit of the coconut oil residue so that it retains the soft moisture. 
This has seriously changed my whole world because it's so easy and so effective. In the wise words of one direction, "baby it lights up my world like nothing else" that is a direct quote. look it up.

The husband and I recently acquired a little teeny bunny and his name is garth and he is probably thee cutest thing known to man kind
I am a firm believer in doing things spontaneously. First we were in the grocery store, and the next thing you know we are in the pet store buying a bunny. 


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


How I DIY'd my wedding for 5 thousand dollars in 2 weeks!!

Okay, real talk here, this might crazy and impossible but with the right amount of blood, sweat, tears, and handwork and you have a wedding. My dear husband and I got married quickly and then had our reception later, we didn't exactly have time to save up for it so we had to make do. It ended up turning out BEAUTIFUL though so i wouldn't change it. That isn't for everyone but the nice thing is everyone can adjust it to what they are doing.
I will give you some tips that really helped me when trimming my budget down.

1. Don't serve a full dinner
Catering can take up thousands of dollars, a better route to take would be to do desserts. I had fancy donuts, and a hot cocoa bar with mix ins. We hand dipped spoons in nutella and caramel and dusted them with gold sugar. 

2. DIY instead of hiring
We rallied up a small army of volunteers to help us out for free so that we could get everything done. Even when it came to decorating we made a lot of things by hand. We had a feather wall that was strung with lights as our picture backdrop that we hand made. It made everything look so elegant and classy!

3. Choose your dress off the rack
I know in bride language this is like a crime. But off the rack really isn't terrible. I bought the second dress I tried on and I absolutely loved it! I wouldn't have had it any other way.

4. Use pinterest!
Get your inspirations, and then recreated it. Most of the stuff gives you step by step guidance on how to DIY something. If it doesn't that make sure it is something that can be done cheaply. 

It's really easy to just let it slip away from you. Keep a lot of everything you spend money on and keep all of your reciepts.

6. Try and find a free venue.
Venues tend to eat up your money. If you don't have to pay for it then you can spend more on things that are important to you. 

If you are on a time crunch make sure to book a photographer, get your dress, and find a venue RIGHT AWAY!!! 

Saturday, January 16, 2016


This weekend my husband and I stayed at the little america. We went to the Grand America for brunch and like always it was INCREDIBLE! we popped into their cute little bakery and bought 12 macarons. I have no regrets.
They had  ROSE. It sounds odd upon first hearing but it turned out to be sent strait from the God's.
Not to mention the coconut cream, gold glitter pistachio, raspberry, and vanilla! WHOOPEE 


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

FAUX fur not NO fur!!


okay, is anyone else on a fur binge? or am i the only weird one?
I think that fur is a great way to spice up a room. I use little accents of it all over and it really transformed my room from drab to fab.
It's cool because it matches with basically any style of decorations.  I used a little bit to add flare to my wicker basket. I also have a cute throw pillow for my chair from target. This piece is from ikea. Its an inexpensive way to make your home look expensive.

Don't mind my choffee chillin.I told you I have a problem.

If you guys have any questions on where to get faux fur or how much it is or even how to use it, please comment! I'd love to hear feedback and help wherever i can:)


Sunday, January 10, 2016



I know there are a million and one blogs out there, but regardless I have decided to start one. I am too often timid to widely share some of my know how's that could be very useful to the majority of humanity. I have since joined the "New year new me" fad. Why? Because if you actually sit and think about it, it just so happens to be BRILLIANT! It gives you a chance every single year to better something about long as you stick to it of course. So along with my clothing company I have decided to impart some of my wisdom via social media every Wednesday and Saturday. Chances are like 3 people will read this, and I am okay with that! I will post all of the annventures I go on ( which is a lot, so hold on to your seat folks) and weekly how to's ranging from design and makeup to exercise and nutrition! It will be SOOO FUN so hop on the annventure train! WOOO

Let me introduce myself a little bit. My name is Andrea, and I just married the coolest person ever. You can tell we are in love by the way our foreheads touch. His name is Jeremy and I think I'll keep him for a little while.

Is it tacky that the cardigan I am wearing is one that I sell? mehh whateva

Enough mumbo jumbo, lets get to the good stuff!! This week I am going to talk about CHOFFEE is a delicious drink that is much like coffee....but it's not. It's WAY better because instead of it being ground up coffee beans, it's ground up coco beans!!! This means that it's a chocolate drink that's actually super good for you. There is no sugar or dairy added so it has all the packed in goodness that coco beans have in the raw. It has become my drink of choice...over water.....i have turned into a walking choffee bag. It's fun.
I buy mine on amazon because amazon is the reason that I am able to function. I, like most people, have zero time in my day to hunt down health stores to find the latest health fad. This means I either hunt down amazon or I make up my own. I'll be sharing my own personal creations also.